The nice thing about living with a parrot is that they like to be watched.
Wait. I should amend that. They like to be watched if they feel safe. Most parrots are flocking birds, which is why they can get along so well with us. In the absence of other parrots, we become their flocks. B has lived with us for ten of her 11 years, so we might as well be cockatoos, for all she knows... just bigger and not as beautiful.
And since Bernini rules the roost (hence the nickname Queen B), she's pretty sure that we should all be watching her (or petting her, or feeding her) all the time.
The problem, which I've mentioned before, is that she's not one to sit still for very long, so if you want to sketch, move quickly and don't expect to catch a lot of detail. She was preening the other night while I was sitting in her room with her, which offered a few pages' worth of different angles and perspectives.