Monday, May 17, 2010

Why did the quail cross the road?

Huh... I have no idea... and I'm not sure the quail did either, because he was sitting in the middle of the road, not in much of a hurry to go anywhere, despite the fact that my car was barreling at him at, well, faster than he could run.

Good thing my brakes work, is all I have to say. (Well, that, and it's a good thing for me no one was following me at the time.)

California quail (Callipepla californica) doodled from this flickr photo.


Coincidentally, I've doodled a California quail before, in a post from late last October. There's been a little bit of improvement since then... I still have miles and miles to go before I can produce consistently decent work, but I've improved a fair amount in the last seven months of doodling.
