Saturday, November 7, 2009

Spokane Bird Logos

This is the logo for Lone Canary Winery here in Spokane. (For the record, I'm a huge fan of Lone Canary wines, both reds and whites.) It was designed by a local firm, Anderson Mraz Design, and in my humble opinion, it's a stellar design.

The Anderson Mraz Web site says that the logo is a "stylized American goldfinch -- Washington's state bird." So how does it fit the "Lone Canary" brand?

The American goldfinch has a nickname, American canary, because of the "sing-songiness" of his calls. Clever, no?

Here's another local logo, for a delightful store named Atticus (I'd gladly give credit if I knew who designed it!):

It's owned by the same people who own a more eclectic shop two doors down from Atticus named Boo Radley's, and as you can see, the card has a bird on it.

Knowing of the owner's fondness for To Kill a Mockingbird, and seeing that the signage for the store has a bird on it, my first impulse is to think, "how clever is that? It's Atticus Finch!"

Except that the bird isn't a finch. Finches eat seeds, and that bird's beak is too long for a seed eater (unless it's some kind of Hawaiian honeycreeper...).

It took me a while, and some prompting from D, to figure out that this bird must be a mockingbird.

Duh. Now it makes sense.

Mockingbird photo from Wikipedia.