Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jack Snipe... not?

I'm reading a really fun book right now, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Flavia de Luce Mystery. Here's a shot of the cover:

The mystery starts when a jack snipe is found dead on the back porch with a stamp in its beak.

Poor bird.

But then, being a person interested in birds, I look at the cover and I think "Wait a minute. That bird silhouette doesn't look very much like any snipe I've ever seen... that looks more like... I don't know... a crow?"

Maybe it is a snipe. The Wilson's Snipe, the North American snipe (and the only one I would recognize in a lineup) has a silhouette that looks something like this:

But the Jack Snipe isn't the Wilson's Snipe. In fact, they're not even closely related. If you look at the silhouette of a crouching Jack Snipe, though, it looks something like this:

So I don't know... maybe it is a Jack Snipe... but it sure looks suspicious...

I don't know, what do you think?