Friday, June 4, 2010

Birdchick and the AP Get It.

I hate what's going on in the gulf. Even more than that, I hate that there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

I hate it when I read that the BP CEO "wants his life back." (Right. I'll bet the families of those 11 rig workers would like their lives back.) Sorry, buddy, but I'd rather like it if you didn't get your life back... not for a long, long time.

I'm not the only one, thankfully. Here's a link to an excellent post by Birdchick. Go read the whole post. Here are a couple of highlights:

"... we need to stay on task and hold those responsible for this apparently unstoppable mess accountable for their actions–specifically, not having a plan in place to stop a spill of this magnitude should it ever happen."

Photo by Charlie Riedel/The Associated Press

"... Enough of everyone giving carefully worded and not so carefully worded statements of dismay and apologies without taking responsibility. I want President Obama to channel some Samuel L. Jackson in Snakes on a Plane in dealing with BP. I want an immediately assembled “think tank” of the world’s underwater engineering experts, wildlife experts, middle school and high school science fair winners and the entire staff of MythBusters to pitch ideas on how to stop the leak."

A giant amen to that.

Here's a link to another powerful post, this one about the "anthropomorphic empathy" generated by the sight of a living bird covered in oil, on the Lens blog of The New York Times.