Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: Time for a New Blog Project

When we were in DC I picked up a book, 365: A Daily Creativity Journal. I've been wanting to do a 365-day project for the last couple of years, but a) a whole year is a long time and b) I struggle with that kind of organization.

In other words, I'm starting something that I may be spectacularly ill-equipped to follow through on... sigh. We'll see how far this goes.

In his book, author Noah Scalin (of Skull-a-Day fame) says "The key to a successful daily project is deciding on a subject or medium that you will enjoy exploring for a year (pg. 7)."

I've been looking at birds here for a while and I'm still fascinated by them, so that seems like a good subject.

And I'm in a natural science illustration program this year, so why not combine the two to create a body of work?

Here's the project, as I see it right now:

Do 52 bird studies this year, taking a week to do each study.

I know what you're thinking -- that doesn't sound much like a 365-day project now, does it? Bear with me for a moment.

Last term in the NatSci program, we had a process and I'll be basing the "daily" part of the project on that process. If all goes according to plan, it will look something like this:

  • Saturday: research

  • Sunday: "getting to know you" sketches - loose, mostly gesture, for overall shape, or to study the interesting bits

  • Monday: line drawing

  • Tuesday: tonal drawing in graphite

  • Wednesday: color, either colored pencil or watercolor

  • Thursday: detail drawing - here's where you're likely to see lots of beaks, feet and eyes

  • Friday: put it all together digitally

That's it, for the moment. Since it's my project, I reserve the right to change the rules whenever I want. If I can keep it going for any length of time it should be a good experience, and maybe I'll even make a few things I like!

My first bird: the Northern Cardinal. I saw my first live one in DC, so it will be a new bird (for me) to start a new project in the new year.

Happy New Year!